Keeping our local creeks and estuaries free of debris
The Foundation has led Corte Madera’s bayside cleanup efforts for 12 years on the third Saturday morning in September, organizing volunteers, Boy Scouts, school groups, and service clubs in picking up debris on the Corte Madera Ecological Reserve and along San Clemente Creek.
Coastal Clean-Up Day for 2020 has been changed due to the current pandemic. This year, instead of gathering together on a single day, we are adapting to current circumstances to honor the spirit of the cleanup while maintaining strict safety precautions. So, on every Saturday of this September, from 9 AM to Noon, grab your mask, bag and gloves, and help by keeping trash out of nearby storm drains and creeks, which eventually lead to the bay and then to the ocean.
It’s an opportunity for our community to demonstrate its desire for clean water and healthy marine life. And it’s a moment to share with our neighbors, family, and friends, by coming together to accomplish something vital and worthy on behalf of our environment.
Below are images captured at our annual Coastal Cleanup events. You can click on any of images to enlarge them.

Guidance for neighborhood cleanup at https://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/Guidance.pdf
Learn more about Coastal Cleanup Day at https://www.coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/history.html
Our partners in cleaning up Corte Madera’s bayside creeks and wetlands: Mill Valley Refuse Service, The Town of Corte Madera Public Works and Practical Martial Arts.