Love Corte Madera? Consider Planned Giving.
There are three good reasons why you should have an estate plan: Your family, yourself and your community.
Your estate plan gift to the Corte Madera Community Foundation will help build a strong heritage for Corte Madera and maintain the character of the town for future generations. It’s a way of giving back something to the community that has been an important part of your life.
Bequests of all sizes are welcome. You may make a bequest of cash, securities, or real estate by designating a specific dollar amount, a certain percentage of your estate, or a particular asset.
A bequest is simple to arrange in consultation with your legal advisor. It is a revocable arrangement, enabling you to make alterations as your own circumstances change. Moreover, a bequest to the Corte Madera Community Foundation will qualify your estate for an estate tax deduction equal to the amount you bequeath.
The Foundation has an excellent working relationship with a highly qualified estate attorney, and we would be pleased to help you obtain whatever information you need. Your tax-deductible donation goes directly to projects in our town, generating benefits for many years to come.
If you have any questions about bequests or want to meet with our estate lawyer about including the Foundation in your estate plans, please call 415-265-1105 or complete a contact form here.